October 2018 Book Review

by admin

Remember when I used to read? Before Merritt was born? (Oh yeah, I had a baby since I blogged last! I’m sure I’ll tell you about her someday when she’s not sucking all of the energy out of me, literally and figuratively).

Since Merritt was born at the end of October, I was able to squeeze in a couple of reads prior to her arrival, but since then, the only thing I’ve read are Instagram captions, and even those typically get scrolled through. I just don’t seem to have the mental capacity for reading right now, unfortunately, but also: the last book I read was a total misfire and I think it left me burned out on books. Have you ever heard a sadder statement from a “book lover”? I should fire myself. From this fake job of reading books and sharing my two cents. I’m fake fired. Or I fake resign. Whatever. Can you tell I’m sleep deprived?

OKAY, BOOKS! Let’s just round up the last ones I read and hope that in November I can at least read ONE book, eh? Or maybe it’ll be a bye month. I’m feeling the bye month concept…

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I Found You //Marked By Love //Only Love Today //Behind Her Eyes

I Found You

I enjoyed this slightly suspenseful mystery quite a bit! I also have fond memories of reading it poolside during some of our last late-Summer days, so it’s definitely got those good vibes going for it. I read through it quickly because it is definitely a page turner. I enjoyed that this book kept me on the edge of my seat but was not too scary which is definitely my genre of preference (I want to have to think about the books and create my own guesses about the outcomes, but I don’t want to bring on the night terrors as a result, ya know what I mean?). Side note: I also must say that I’m getting super sick of books that are just raunchy drivel, and I feel like so many books targeted at my demographic are full of affairs, sex, dysfunctional families, etc. and that just is starting to wear on me a little, which makes a more suspenseful plot kind of refreshing in a world of smut, smut, smut. Do I sound like a total prude? Ok. That’s fine. I accept your assessment. So anyway, I would definitely recommend this book. The climax of the book definitely got a little uncomfortable to read, but it was only because the story telling was super convincing and the scenario was raw and tragic and gut-wrenching (a sign of a capable author!). If this all sounds like your genre, add this one to your list.

Marked By Love

Changing speeds quite a bit, this book was sent to me by my friend, the author, Tim Stevens. Tim is a former pastor at my church who now resides and works in Texas, and has written several books on leadership and similar topics. This book was a wonderful compilation of stories of Tim’s life and experiences all pointing toward the common theme of seeking to be marked by love, as Jesus was. Tim speaks of moments in his life where he achieves this goal, and moments where he missed the mark a bit. His honest telling of all of these stories is what makes this book relatable and inspiring. I was touched by the message and I definitely recommend this to anyone who is just doing their very best (or who wants to do better) to live like Jesus.

Only Love Today

I can’t really claim to have read this book in October, but I did finish it in October, so that at least sort of counts, right? I’ve actually been working through this book since Christmas of last year when my sister, Kaley, gave it to me as a gift. I love this devotional for several reasons, but one major reason is that it is so extremely low pressure. It is not dated, so you can pick it up and read a devotional whenever you feel led to and not get caught up in the pressure of staying up to date (or giving up when you’ve fallen too far behind). Another reason I loved it is her message throughout. If I had to summarize her message and tone of the book it would be “if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” There are messages of forgiveness; self love; grace; encouragement; joy; stillness. It is full of daily, quiet reminders to embrace today and all its blessed imperfections. My only complaint: her message, while consistent, is occasionally redundant. I definitely knew what to expect from the devotional everyday and some of her essays blurred together a little bit. I didn’t find this distracting or irritating, though; I would simply look at this as her consistent messaging. Overall, I highly recommend.

Behind Her Eyes

BELLY FLOP. No. Nope nope nope. This book was intriguing for a while, and then it got weird, and then it got straight up sci-fi and if it weren’t for the fact I was killing time literally waiting for the doctor to shoot me up with induction potions in the Special Care Obstetrics wing of the labor & delivery unit, I would not have finished this book. Boredom got me to the finish line and boredom alone. I was so disappointed because I had seen so many recommendations for this one and loads of high praise. I do NOT recommend it and I cannot praise it. It was beyond unbelievable and based on the fact it was so out of the realm of reality, I couldn’t get into it. If you love stuff that is literally impossible and made up and unrealistic, give it a go. Otherwise (and if you value my input at all) avoid this one at all costs. (And seeing as this is the last book I read, you can now see why I am a bit burned out).

Help me get my reading mojo back!! Please make your book recommendations below so I can get back in the saddle and remember why I like reading 🙂

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