My Supplement Routine

by Courtney Schultz

For the last 12 days on Instagram, I’ve been sharing daily reels about maintaining your New Years Wellness Resolutions, and today’s reel is all about SUPPLEMENTS! Before we go any further… the opinions contained herein are my own and have not been approved by a doctor. Before beginning any supplement routine, please consult with your doctor and carefully consider all decisions with your phyrisicans based on your individual needs.

I have been gradually adding vitamin supplements into my routine for the last several years. Some of these have been recommended by professionals, and others have been recommended by friends who experience similar issues as I have. And yes, some of them were just Instagram ads I fell for! Here’s a brief summary of all of the daily supplements I take.


Let’s start with my Modere routine. I’ve been using this brand of supplements for about 18 months now and have loved the results. You can see my entire Instagram highlight about collagen but gradually I have been adding more products into my routine and loving them all. The first and the real OG is the liquid Biocell collagen. I drink PURE, but I have also heard LIFE tastes a little better (the PURE is totally fine with me so I just stick with that!). This product has done WONDERS for my hair in particular, and has helped me truly heal my very damaged and over-processed hair in a holistic manner. It’s also wonderful for skin, soft tissue, joints and nails, and can be used by both men and women. Also from the beginning I’ve used the Adult Multivitamin twice daily. I decided to do that because I figured by already taking supplements from the same line, they would work together and have an appropriate balance of ingredients. Most recently I added TRIM to see how that worked with some of my weight goals, and I have to say I’ve seen improvement BUT I have also been much better about my nutrition and fitness, and I know that TRIM is meant to add to those systems, not replace them. Finally, I added FOCUS PLUS recently to assist with my ADD which I do not currently take medication for. I love that FOCUS PLUS is a non-caffeinated blend of all natural ingredients that work together to improve focus throughout the day without the caffeine crash. If you are a first time Modere customer, you can save $10 by using my links and the code 6247876.


I started taking SAM-E at the recommendation of my therapist to help alleviate PMS-related depression and sadness accompanying that time of the month. Even though it was recommended for use specifically during my period, I actually take the 400mg capsule every day. My therapist recommended it as follows:

Take the 400 mg tablet on an empty stomach in the am. Around midday (usually 2pm-ish for me) I take the 200mg as a pick me up, also on an empty stomach for absorption (just allow 90 minutes after eating before you take it). It does have a bit of an “upper” effect, so treat it like caffeine and don’t take it too late in the day if you’re concerned about sleeping. I definitely notice a change in my moods while I’m on it and it helps those hard days feel just a little less overwhelming.


Everybody should be taking a probiotic, plain and simple. It’s the easiest thing you can do to aid in your digestive regulation, which sounds like such an old person thing to say, but it’s just true! I’ve only every taken Align and I can tell a difference when I’m not taking it!


Ok, I don’t know which supplement was less sexy, the probiotic or the urinary tract support supplements, but either way, these are necessary and important for all married, sexually active women, so I’m going to have the conversation here and de-stigmatize this topic. When I was a very young girl, I had to have bladder surgery so as an adult, I am more prone to urinary tract infections. Sexually active women are naturally more inclined to UTI’s as well, which makes me at even higher risk for them given my medical history. This brand, Uqora, is all about urinary tract support and microbiome balance of your most intimate areas. I take the Control and Promote daily and then the Target product is a lemonade flavored powder that you add to water after intimacy. I cannot recall the last time I had a UTI, and I now have the products on hand to be proactive if I ever suspect a UTI may be coming on. OK we can stop talking about private parts now (and forever).


You may have heard of topical skin products containing Hyaluronic Acid, but I’ve been taking oral supplements as well. Hyaluronic acid is known to support healthy joints and connective tissue and to enhance the health of the skin. To be honest, I fell for it while watching an informercial for an entirely different product when they mentioned that the gorgeous leading lady had a disciplined Hyaluronic Acid oral supplement regimen. I don’t know how much this is really changing or benefitting my skin, but I’m not above trying anything to slow nature!


I started taking DIM supplements aid in hormone balance by supporting the body’s metabolism of excess estrogen; For women, Diindolylmethane supports during menopause, PCOS, night sweats, hot flashes, weight loss and hormonal acnewhen another influencer mentioned it in her stories as her secret weapon for all things feminine/hormonal/etc. DIM supplements aid in hormone balance by supporting the body’s metabolism of excess estrogen; for women, Diindolylmethane supports during menopause, PCOS, night sweats, hot flashes, weight loss and hormonal acne. I’ve only been taking this supplement for about a month, but I think it’s a very good and relevant addition to my supplement lineup.


So to be honest, I actually started taking Zinc when I heard somewhere along the lines that it helped with hair growth (I would take literally anything that helped with hair strength and growth). When I brought it to my doctor along with other supplements to be reviewed, her remarks were “everyone could use a little more Zinc.” So there we go. Zinc works to support the body’s natural defense system which aids immune system function, wound healing and the absorption of B vitamins. Sounds good to me.


I started taking Leefy Prana after suffering through several days-long migraines that were hormone related. My friend, a cancer survivor who unfortunately has had her fair share of debilitating headaches, popped into my DM’s and recommended this product and I purchased immediately. She said she hadn’t had a headache in months, and I was sold. Honestly, even though I’ve had several minor headaches since beginning the regimen, I haven’t had one of my horrible days-long migraine since starting. Place 2 full droppers worth of the syrup under the tongue once daily, let it sit for 20 seconds before swallowing.


When I added this to my nightly routine, I almost immediately noticed a 2 pound difference in my base weight. Even though my weight fluctuates just like most women, ridding myself of excess water weight significantly improved my feelings of bloat and that fluffy feeling. I never miss a night of this simple wonder supplement.

There you have it! All my daily, non pharmaceutical supplements. Head to this reel and leave me some feedback on what your must-have vitamins or supplements are!


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