Fall Capsule Wardrobe

by Courtney Schultz

With Fall temps setting in and the official switch from warm weather to cooler weather upon us comes the chance to switch up our wardrobes. For some, this is a fun process, while for others it’s a MAJOR pain point. I get it from BOTH sides! There are times that coming up with style ideas is like play for me and other times that I spend an agonizing amount of time trying to decide what to wear. So to save you some sanity and maybe give you some ideas, I made a Fall Capsule wardrobe with styling ideas for EVERY DAY of the month of November! I sincerely hope this tool is a treasure to someone (or several someones!) out there. Another influencer I follow recently did a similar capsule and whenever I’m in a pinch, I head to her capsule to grab some inspiration, so my hope is that you’ll be able to do the same with this.

I want to start by saying that I specifically created this capsule with items that are basic enough you already probably have similar pieces in your closet. BUT if you want to purchase the exact pieces I shared here, I also have affiliate links available for all of those pieces, too.

There are 13 pieces in this entire capsule which will dress you from head to toe, minus accessories and jewelry. Throw a felt hat, baseball cap, big earrings or a stack of bracelets with any of these looks to schnazz ’em up throughout the month.

Mostly casual looks, but barring any formal events, this capsule should get you through such occasions as Sunday church, date night and even Thanksgiving (in fact, I think there are several outfit options in here that would work for the holiday!).

And if you do find yourself needing to supplement your wardrobe at all to maximize this capsule inspiration, here are all the links you’ll need to do so!




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