Finding my niche (+ a giveaway!)

by Courtney Schultz


I have been blogging for almost a decade. BUT, you can scroll all the way back to the end of the road on this here blog and you wouldn’t see anything from before 2018. Last year I had the TERRIBLE misfortune of running into some tightly spun technological spider webs that left all of my content from the last several years completely erased. Gone. Goodbye. All the recipes, all the birth stories, all the posts sharing great must-have items for kids… all of it.


It took me a little while to recover from that loss, honestly. I was so defeated that due to my own back-end errors, I had successfully erased any proof of life before 2018 on the internet, and to tell ya the truth, I needed to grieve that a little bit. There were a lot of hours spent, photographs taken, and effort poured out to create all of that content that was now nowhere to be found.


So a couple of months ago, I gained back the mojo I needed to get back in the saddle, as I would hope any of my children would do in the face of similar disappointing circumstances, and I relaunched my blog. It’s something I’ve run after and hidden from, simultaneously, a lot over the last several years. But since not working outside of the home currently, it feels so natural to me to still connect and engage with people. I felt called back to it (cue the Moana theme song).


I recently had a big, open-heart conversation with my younger sister about all of this because she so gets me (poor thing). She is almost identical in terms of personality type, so I know she knows what I mean when I explain this draw I have toward sharing my life and my experiences through blogging. She helped me to put words to this feeling when we were talking and she said, “Court, your personality is built on connecting with others. It’s ok to just want to engage an audience, regardless of the topic or reason.” DING DING DING. I just want to engage! I just want to connect with people, near and far, and talk about everything from my McDonalds Meltdown earlier today when I set off the fire alarm, to the way I organize my pantry, and everything in between. We could talk about earthworms for all I care. I just want to engage.


Earlier today I invited my Instagram friends to participate in a little giveaway/poll with me as I investigate what the future looks like for content on this blog. What do people really want to hear from me (because it’s likely not earthworms or McDonald’s Meltdowns)? What do I have to offer that is unique to me, and true to me, and helpful to anyone else?


So I want to know! Is it motherhood musings? Home life? Faith? My book reviews? Head over to my latest Instagram post if you want to participate in the giveaway to win a $50 Tory Burch gift card and share your opinions here in the blog comments as well! I want to connect and spend my time crafting meaningful content; I value every single person who reads and engages here, and I want to make this a place where we can all feel encouraged and inspired by pretty things.

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mrsgadacz August 15, 2018 - 7:55 pm

Ugh, so sorry you lost that past content but think of it as an opportunity to reinvent! Love seeing your book reviews, style posts, as well as mommy stuff! No matter what though, you have an uncanny ability to connect with others the topics won’t matter as long as it’s from your heart!