Spring Transition for your Porch

by Courtney Schultz

Is it Spring yet?? Yesterday the weather seemed to think so! And then today it’s like literal slush is falling from the sky. What in the actual, Michigan…

I managed to sort of transition my evergreens to Spring when I updated them for Maddie’s baby shower in January, but at this point I was just milking it and they were looking a little worse for the wear. But that’s exactly where my transition-to-Spring decor comes into play. Since we got a little taste of good weather yesterday, Knox and I used the girls’ naptime to get to work on redecorating the front porch.

Here’s my confession: I am ALWAYS premature in getting fresh flowers for my porch. Not that I’ve ever done that Mid-March (that’s even too early for MY eager-beaver personality) BUT when I don’t have something else that’s a pretty placeholder, I easily plant my pots too early and then they end up getting frost bitten by some late-spring chill. Hi, Michigan. I see you with your tricky weather.

Last year at a local garden center I picked up these two boxwood topiaries, and I LOVE them. They will sit on my porch for the next couple of months while we wait for Summer and then I’ll move them back out to our back patio by the fireplace. Faux plants can be tricky and I think should be used with discretion because you can sniff out the fake stuff from a mile away, but given the difficult climate we’re in currently, I think it’s a great alternative to a naked or seasonally awkward porch. BUT IMPORTANT: All faux plants are not created equally! If you can see the glue: hard pass. If the green color is unrealistic: hard pass. I have a much higher tolerance for faux GREENERY than faux FLORALS. Note the diff, peeps.

I found some identical topiaries to mine at Target for a great price and I think they are just timeless and handy for us Midwesterners looking for a Springy update. My wreaths are a staple of mine and will likely hang on my doors until Fall now. When we built this house, double front doors was something I was so excited about because of the symmetry and classic look so I’m double or nothin’ on wreaths these days which is why I change them a little less frequently (you won’t find me putting up holiday wreaths or door hangers, but these are so nice and neutral they’ll work for all of Spring and Summer).

Knox was helpful insofar as he provided the refreshments for us and moved some planters around, but really what I value more than anything is his time spent with me during nap times. But gosh he’s cute, and we all need a waterboy in our lives.


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